Category Archives: Meetings-2020

CHAWLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the council meeting held on Thursday 1st October 2020 at 7.30pm via ZOOM Present Cllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr J Flavin, Cllr H Martin, Cllr S Swift, Cllr D Cockram Minutes taken by the councillors. In Attendance Cllr C Eginton (MDDC) Members of the public: 1 Apologies for Absence 2020/10/01  Apologies received from Cllr Squire (DCC) Declaration of Interests 2020/10/02 Personal  and pecuniary interests Cllr Flavin declare a personal interest in any discussion concerning The Earl of Portsmouth. Cllr Swift declared a personal interest in any discussion concerning The Earl of Portsmouth Public Participation Session 2020/10/03  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and current government guidelines, the meeting was held remotely on the ZOOM platform.  Members of the public were invited to attend the meeting on ZOOM, or to email/telephone the chair with any issues. No communication has been received Minutes of last meeting 2020/10/04Minutes of

CHAWLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the council meeting held on Thursday 20th August 2020 at 6.30pm in The Playing Field, Back Lane, Chawleigh, EX18 7HH. PresentCllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr J Flavin, Cllr H Martin, Cllr S Swift, Cllr D Cockram Minutes taken by the councillors. In Attendance Cllr C Eginton (MDDC) Members of the public: 0 Apologies for Absence 2020/08/01  No apologies received Declaration of Interests 2020/08/02 Personal  and pecuniary interests Cllr S Gody and Cllr D Cockram declared personal interests in any discussion about the playing field. Public Participation Session 2020/08/03  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and current government guidelines, members of the public were unable to attend the meeting but had been invited to email/phone the Chair with any questions/ concerns. No communication has been received Minutes of last meeting 2020/08/04Minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed. Proposed by Cllr Flavin, seconded by Cllr

CHAWLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the council meeting held on Thursday 2nd July 2020 at 7pm in The Playing Field, Back Lane, Chawleigh, EX18 7HH. PresentCllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr J Flavin, Cllr H Martin, Cllr S Swift, Cllr D Cockram Minutes taken by the councillors. In Attendance Cllr C Eginton (MDDC) Members of the public: 0 Apologies for Absence 2020/07/1  No apologies received Declaration of Interests 2020/07/02 Personal  and pecuniary interests Cllr D Cockram declared personal and pecuniary interest in any discussion about the spraying of weeds in the playing field and in any discussion about the caretaker of the public toilet. Public Participation Session 2020/07/03  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and current government guidelines, members of the public were unable to attend the meeting but had been invited to email/phone the Chair with any questions/ concerns. 2020/07/04  Village shop. An enquiry has been received about the possibility of
