Minutes of the council meeting held on Thursday 2nd July 2020 at 7pm in The Playing Field, Back Lane, Chawleigh, EX18 7HH.
PresentCllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr J Flavin, Cllr H Martin, Cllr S Swift, Cllr D Cockram
Minutes taken by the councillors.
In Attendance
Cllr C Eginton (MDDC)
Members of the public: 0
Apologies for Absence
2020/07/1 No apologies received
Declaration of Interests
2020/07/02 Personal and pecuniary interests
Cllr D Cockram declared personal and pecuniary interest in any discussion about the spraying of weeds in the playing field and in any discussion about the caretaker of the public toilet.
Public Participation Session
2020/07/03 Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and current government guidelines, members of the public were unable to attend the meeting but had been invited to email/phone the Chair with any questions/ concerns.
2020/07/04 Village shop. An enquiry has been received about the possibility of extending the village shop. We will review when the current Coronavirus restrictions have ended. Cllr Swift will speak with the tenant. ACTION Cllr Swift
2020/07/05 Concerns about speed of traffic coming up into the village from Stone Mill Hill. Cllr Godly will pass concerns to DCC Highways.ACTION Cllr Godly
2020/07/05 A request has been received to remove a tree in the playing field at the rear of Mai Beaute Lodge and a tree on the corner near the same property. Cllr Godly will speak with Mr Meads as the trees are both in the conservation area and we can’t just take down the trees.ACTION Cllr Godly
2020/07/06 Correspondence has been received from Liz Haselden with regards to recruiting a new Poppy Appeal organiser in the village. Cllr Godly will speak to a local resident who may be able to help. ACTION Cllr Godly
2020/07/07 A number of letters and emailshave been received concerning planning applications 20/00861/OUT Calvery House and 20/00905/FULL Earl of Portsmouth.
Chawleigh Community Trust
2020/07/08 Cllr Godly provided an update on current position.
Planning Matters
2020/07/09 The following planning applications were received:
20/00998/FULL Eggesford Café
Decision: It was resolved to support this application. Proposed Cllr Godly, seconded by Cllr Flavin and carried unanimously.
20/00861/OUT Calvery House Outline for the erection of 3 dwellings with all matters reserved.
Decision: It was resolved to object to this application. Proposed Cllr Godly, seconded by Cllr Martin and carried unanimously. The objection was based on the concerns about part of the site being agricultural land and the possibility of the three planned properties being too close to existing properties.
ACTION Cllr Godly
20/00905/FULL Earl of Portsmouth-change of use from public house to dwelling.
Decision: It was resolved to object to this application. Proposed Cllr Martin, seconded by Cllr Flavin and carried unanimously. The objection was based on a large number of concerns.
- There are two public houses in the village but we wish to advise the planning officer that the owners of the Royal Oak are seriously looking at the’ change of use’ in the future.
- The applicant has stated that the property has been closed since July 2018. However in his letter he actually says that there have been three short tenancies in the past three years, the last one being November 2019.
- The applicant states on the application for change to one dwelling that at some time in the future the building may be split into two properties.
- There does not appear to be a viability report on the MDDC portal.
- NPPF require retention of local services.
- Planning approval has been granted for 28 properties plus the possibility of a further 10 affordable houses in the village which will provide additional custom. If the pub were to close prospective buyers may be deterred from coming to the village.
- It provides a central hub for new residents to meet new people.
- The Earl of Portsmouth is an important venue for social interaction of all ages and the general well-being of the community. It is essential to help create a strong community spirit.
- The community can help to reduce the carbon footprint by eating and drinking locally instead of driving to other villages/towns. There is no public transport in the evenings or on Sundays.
- The restaurant has, in the past, attracted custom from outside the village.
- Due to the current pandemic we have been unable to hold a public meeting to discuss this application as many members of our community would have wished. We have received many letters/ emails of objections to the proposed plan and many have made comments on the planning portal.
- The Earl of Portsmouth has for many years provided part time employment for local people, particularly for students looking for part time work/work experience close to home. Having youngsters behind the bar and serving in the restaurant has, in the past, encouraged other local young people in to the pub to meet new people and socialise.
- The pub has offered facilities for skittles, darts and pool which all bring other teams to play and brings increased revenue to the village. It is large enough to host final matches, attracting a large amount of custom.
- It has been used as an emergency village hall when our Jubilee Hall was out of action.
- There is off road parking and outside smoking area.
- The pub is an attractive building and occupies a central position in the village.
The building has historic value, dating from 1869.
Discussed the possibility of registering as an ’Asset of Community Value’
Financial Matters
20/07/10 Cllr Godly provided a list of payments which have been made since the last parish council meeting with full council support.
Playdale (slide) £2495.40
Easter Eggs for children £36.00
Toilet signs £24.52
Comm.First Insurance £ 810.22
Plantscape (grass cutting Mar.) £105.00
Plantscape (grass cutting Apr.) £105.00
Bark for playing field £264.00
Storage box for village shop £89.95
Protective equipment £137.79
Protective equipment £109.65
Protective equipment £9.95
20/07/11 A grant has been received from DCC COVID-19 Prompt Action Fund to allow us to purchase protective equipment .
20/07/12 Cllr Godly reported that the Village shop rent is now back to 100% from 7th July 2020. Rent review 2020- It was unanimously agreed to keep the rent the same.
Review of Chawleigh Support Group
20/07/13 The support group has worked well during the current pandemic and we will keep it in place for the time being.
Correspondence and Notices Received
20/07/14 In the absence of the clerk there was no correspondence to be raised at this meeting.
Matters Raised by the Chair
20/07/15 Discussed Public toilet caretaker-caretaker has continued her duties in the play areas and has deep cleaned the toilet ready for re-opening.
Any Other Business
20/07/16 Cllr Eginton reported on the Mid Devon Local Plan.
20/07/17 Cllr Martin reported the street light by Barton Lane is on all day. He will report. ACTION Cllr Martin
20/07/18 Cllr Flavin asked about progress with email address-to discuss at next meeting. ACTION Clerk
20/07/19 Cllr Swift expressed concerns about a blocked public footpath. He will report to Mr Batty who is our P3 co-ordinator. ACTION Cllr Swift
20/07/20 Cllr Cockram reported concerns about the overgrown road hedge at The Gables. Cllr Godly reported that a letter had been sent to the owners but will chase up. ACTION Cllr Godly
20/07/21 Cllr Cockram reported that she had received a phone call about the damaged seat at Bells Close. This has been removed to prevent injury. We will discuss possible replacement at the next meeting. ACTION Clerk
20/07/22 Cllr Cockram reported concerns about the poor visibility at the junction at Shooting Lane. ACTION Cllr Cockram
20/07/23 Current Government Guidelines allow us to re- open the play areas from 4th July 2020. The playing field committee have conducted a risk assessment and will display posters on the safe use of the play equipment. Proposed by Cllr Godly, seconded by Cllr Flavin and carried unanimously.
20/07/24 Current Government Guidelines allow us to re-open the public toilet. The toilet has been deep-cleaned and we will provide anti-bacterial soap and gel. Proposed by Cllr Godly, seconded by Cllr Flavin and carried unanimously.
20/07/25 It was proposed to purchase some hand sanitiser for the playing field at a cost of £115.74. Proposed by Cllr. Flavin, seconded by Cllr Swift and carried unanimously.
ACTION Cllr Godly
20/07/26 Cllr Cockram reported that she had received a phone call concerning the planning application for the change of use of The Earl of Portsmouth. Caller was concerned that not everyone in the village knew about the application. Councillors didn’t have any objections to a member of the public informing the community.
The part 1 session closed at 8.55pm
The meeting was moved to Part 2 for the consideration of a sensitive matter.
Part 2 session closed at 9.10pm
Returned to Part 1
20/07/27 Cllr Godly reported a member of the community has shown an interest in becoming a councillor. He has invited her to the next open meeting as soon as Covid restriction are lifted.
Close of Meeting
The meeting closed at 9.15pm
Chair:……………………………………………….. Date:………………………………………