Calendar of Events, Groups and Clubs

The following tables highlight events, groups and clubs that are being held in the Parish. They are held in a variety of venues including the Jubilee Hall and the pubs. For more information, please click on the respective hyperlink.

If you run a group or a regular event and wish to have it added to the calendar, please email

AMDrop-in Cafe (weekly) 10:30amMonthly Community Market 10am
PMSkittles teams @EOP

Mens Skittles @Royal Oak
Art Club

Chawleigh Keep Fit Club 7:15pm weekly

Pool teams @EOP
W.I. (monthly)

Chawleigh Parish Council meeting (every 6 weeks)
Craft Group
(fortnightly) 2-4pm

Carpet Mat Bowls (weekly) 7:30pm

Mad Hatters Ladies Skittles 7:30pm (weekly) @Royal Oak
Chawleigh Community lunch 12:30pm (monthly)

Darts team @EOP

Ladies Darts @Royal Oak
Pub Quiz @ The Royal Oak (monthly)
Chawleigh Fair