2020/08/20: Parish Council Meeting – Minutes

2020/08/20: Parish Council Meeting – Minutes


Minutes of the council meeting held on Thursday 20th August 2020 at 6.30pm in The Playing Field, Back Lane, Chawleigh, EX18 7HH.

PresentCllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr J Flavin, Cllr H Martin, Cllr S Swift, Cllr D Cockram

Minutes taken by the councillors.

In Attendance

Cllr C Eginton (MDDC)

Members of the public: 0

Apologies for Absence

2020/08/01  No apologies received

Declaration of Interests

2020/08/02 Personal  and pecuniary interests

Cllr S Gody and Cllr D Cockram declared personal interests in any discussion about the playing field.

Public Participation Session

2020/08/03  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and current government guidelines, members of the public were unable to attend the meeting but had been invited to email/phone the Chair with any questions/ concerns.

No communication has been received

Minutes of last meeting

2020/08/04Minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed. Proposed by Cllr Flavin, seconded by Cllr Martin, carried unanimously.

Chawleigh Community Trust

2020/08/05   Cllr Godly and Cllr Eginton (MDDC) provided updates on current position.

Planning Matters


No planning applications have been received   

20/00861/OUT    Calvery House -Outline for the erection of 3 dwellings with all matters reserved.

Decision: Approved

20/00905/FULL   Earl of Portsmouth-change of use from public house to dwelling.

Cllr. Godly reported that the applicant has requested an extension until 31st August 2020

20/01046/HOUSE Rodgemonts-erection of a leisure building.

As per electronic discussion of parish councillors, due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was decided to remain neutral but if approved we would like to see a condition that the new leisure building would not be used as a residential dwelling at any point.

Financial Matters

20/08/07  Cllr Godly provided a list of payments to be made:

Plandscape                           (grass cutting)                                             £210.00

DALC                                      (Annual membership)                               £149.32

PCC St James Chawleigh   (Annual churchyard maintenance)       £300.00

Proposed by Cllr.Flavin, seconded by Cllr Martin, carried unanimously.

Review of Chawleigh Support Group

20/08/08 The support group has worked well during the current pandemic and we will keep it in place for the time being.

The Chawleigh Help Hub Facebook page has 191 members and will continue for the time being.

The playing field and public toilets are operating well under current government guidelines. We may need to purchase some additional cleaning materials in the next few weeks.

Correspondence and Notices Received

20/08/09   In the absence of the clerk there was no correspondence to be raised.

Cllr Godly reported that he has received notification from DALC about changes to planning rules and a survey they are conducting.


20/08/10 Discussion about the community registering an ACV-the process has been started.   

Matters Raised by the Chair

20/08/11  Cllr Godly reported that he has had no response from the owners of The Gables about the overgrown hedges.  He will send another letter and if there is no response he will seek advice from Cllr.Squire (DCC)

                                                                                                ACTION Cllr Godly

20/08/12 The council have received quotes to replace swing seats in the playing field and have agreed to accept the quote from TK Play£518.40. Proposed by Cllr Martin, seconded by Cllr Flavin, carried unanimously.

                                                                                                ACTION Cllr Cockram

20/08/13 Cllr Godly has contacted BT with regards to the council’s website.

                                                                                                ACTION Cllr Godly

Any Other Business

20/08/14 Cllr Eginton reported that the Mid Devon Local Plan has finally been approved.

20/08/15  Cllr Eginton reported on the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan.

20/08/16  Cllr Martin reported that the street light at the end of Barton Lane is awaiting repair.

20/08/17 The brambles at Hollow Tree Cross need cutting back to improve visibility.

                                                                                                ACTION Cllr Godly

20/08/18 Cllr Martin reported blocked drains at Butts Cottage and the 1st drain down Stone Mill Hill.

                                                                                                ACTION Cllr Godly

20/08/19 Cllr Swift reported water coming up through the pot hole outside Marron House.

                                                                                                ACTION Cllr Godly

20/08/20 Cllr Swift reported that the bridleway at Chenson farm is now open.

20/08/21 Cllr Flavin asked about co-option of parish councillors. We will review at next meeting as we can only have 6 people at meetings at present.

The part 1 session closed at 7.19pm

The meeting was moved to Part 2 for the consideration of a sensitive matter.

Part 2 session closed at 7.32pm

Returned to Part 1

20/08/22 Discussed dates for future meetings.

Thursday 1st October 2020

Thursday 12th November 2020

Thursday 7th January 2020

Cllr Swift will look into setting these up on ZOOM.  Further details to follow.

                                                                             ACTION Cllr Swift

Close of Meeting

The meeting closed at 7.35pm

Chair:………………………………………………..      Date:………………………………………