Minutes of the council meeting held on Thursday 1st October 2020 at 7.30pm via ZOOM
Present Cllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr J Flavin, Cllr H Martin, Cllr S Swift, Cllr D Cockram
Minutes taken by the councillors.
In Attendance
Cllr C Eginton (MDDC)
Members of the public: 1
Apologies for Absence
2020/10/01 Apologies received from Cllr Squire (DCC)
Declaration of Interests
2020/10/02 Personal and pecuniary interests
Cllr Flavin declare a personal interest in any discussion concerning The Earl of Portsmouth.
Cllr Swift declared a personal interest in any discussion concerning The Earl of Portsmouth
Public Participation Session
2020/10/03 Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and current government guidelines, the meeting was held remotely on the ZOOM platform. Members of the public were invited to attend the meeting on ZOOM, or to email/telephone the chair with any issues.
No communication has been received
Minutes of last meeting
2020/10/04Minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed. Proposed by Cllr Flavin, seconded by Cllr Swift, carried unanimously.
Chawleigh Community Trust
2020/10/05 Cllr Godly and Cllr Eginton (MDDC) provided updates on current position.
Planning Matters
20/00247 Ford House, Eggesford- change of use of garden store. Application has been withdrawn.
20/01518/CAT Oak Barn, The Barton-to fell 5 Elm trees in conservation area.
Proposal to support application.
Proposed Cllr Cockram Seconded Cllr Flavin Carried unanimously.
20/01541/FULL West of Ford Farm Eggesford-formation of new access and track.
Proposal to support application subject to reinstating the hedge as per application.
Proposed Cllr Flavin Seconded Cllr Martin Carried unanimously.
20/00905/FULL Earl of Portsmouth-change of use from public house to dwelling. Application has been withdrawn.
Financial Matters
2020/10/07 Cllr Godly provided a list of payments to be made:
Plandscape (grass cutting) £210.00
Nicholsons (Hand sanitiser & dispenser for village shop)
Yew Woodland Services (From P3 grant-fallen tree) £240.00
ZOOM £14.39
Proposed by Cllr.Swift, seconded by Cllr Flavin, carried unanimously.
Review of Chawleigh Support Group
2020/10/08 The support group has worked well during the current pandemic and we will keep it in place for the time being. Cllr Godly thanked Cllr Swift for running the Facebook page
Correspondence and Notices Received
New road access to land opposite Higher Ford. Cllr Godly reported that the MDDC Enforcement Officer has visited the site. The owners have been told they must apply for retrospect planning permission. Cllr Flavin reported that there are a lot of vehicles on site. Discussion about if there are two separate sites. Cllr Godly asked Cllr Eginton to speak with Enforcement Officer.
Cllr Godly reported on the EOPPS. A request has been received from D Flavin, chair of Chawleigh Community Trust, for funding for admin/start up costs. Cllr Eginton reported there are no funds available from MDDC. MDDC suggested contacting Plunkett Foundation. Cllr Godly will contact Cllr Squire (DCC) to ask if any funds are available.
A proposal was put forward to donate £250 to Chawleigh Community Trust to support the EOPPS with start up costs.
Proposed by Cllr Martin Seconded by Cllr Swift Cllr Flavin abstained Carried unanimously.
A member of the public raised an issue with Cllr Godly concerning the new driveway opposite Higher Ford (already dealt with) and concerns about the use of a shed as a motor mechanics workshop. Cllr Eginton (MDDC) reported that the business is registered with MDDC.
Overgrown Hedges
2020/10/10 Cllr Cockram reported that she has contacted Cllr Squire(DCC) regarding overgrown hedges at The Gables and she has passed concerns to Steve Tucker, DCC Highways.
Co-option of councillors
2020/10/11 Cllr Godly introduced Andrea Huxley, who has put herself forward as a member of the parish council. Andrea gave a short presentation.
Proposal to accept Andrea Huxley as a co-opted member of Chawleigh parish council.
Proposed by Cllr Flavin Seconded by Cllr Martin Carried unanimously
Cllr Godly welcomed Andrea to the council. Acceptance of office and Register of interest forms to be completed and signed.
Matters Raised by the Chair
2020/10/12 No other matters raised by the chair.
Any Other Business
Cllr Martin reported that there are still problems with the drains by Butts Cottage.
Cllr Cockram reported that the Give Way sign at Hollow Tree has been turned when hedges were cut.
ACTION Cllr Godly
Cllr Cockram reported a broken bench opposite Primelands.
ACTION Cllr Godly
Cllr Cockram asked about a replacement bench for Bells Close. To be discussed at next meeting.
Cllr Flavin asked about hand written ‘Closed’ sign on the footpath sign at Water Park lane and could it be taken down. Will check with owners of Tatworthy Farm that their job is complete.
ACTION Cllr Cockram
Cllr Eginton (MDDC) reported on Local Government Boundaries Review. Proposal that Chawleigh parish council write to Local Government Boundaries Commission to inform them we are happy with their proposal for Wembworthy and Nymet Rowland to be included in the Taw Vale ward.
Proposed Cllr Godly Seconded Cllr Flavin Carried unanimously.
ACTION Cllr Godly
Cllr Eginton(MDDC) reported on the MDDC meeting concerning the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan
Chair asked for meeting to be moved to part 2.
Proposed by Cllr Martin Seconded by Cllr Flavin Carried unanimously.
The part 1 session closed at 8.33pm
The meeting was moved to Part 2 for the consideration of sensitive matters.
Part 2 session closed at 9.04 pm
Returned to Part 1
Next meeting-Thursday 12th November 2020
Close of Meeting
The meeting closed at 9.09pm
Chair:……………………………………………….. Date:………………………………………