2020/08/20: Parish Council Meeting – Minutes
CHAWLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the council meeting held on Thursday 20th August 2020 at 6.30pm in The Playing Field, Back Lane, Chawleigh, EX18 7HH. PresentCllr S Godly (Chair), Cllr J Flavin, Cllr H Martin, Cllr S Swift, Cllr D Cockram Minutes taken by the councillors. In Attendance Cllr C Eginton (MDDC) Members of the public: 0 Apologies for Absence 2020/08/01 No apologies received Declaration of Interests 2020/08/02 Personal and pecuniary interests Cllr S Gody and Cllr D Cockram declared personal interests in any discussion about the playing field. Public Participation Session 2020/08/03 Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and current government guidelines, members of the public were unable to attend the meeting but had been invited to email/phone the Chair with any questions/ concerns. No communication has been received Minutes of last meeting 2020/08/04Minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed. Proposed by Cllr Flavin, seconded by Cllr