Category Archives: Governance

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Dr Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 20/07/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 01/08/19 1.0 Final Document approved at Council Meeting with amendmentsheld on 1 August 2019 (Minute: 19.193). Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Freedom of Information Act 2000Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Communications and Media PolicyFreedom of Information PolicyPublication Scheme INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. WESITE HOSTING ARRANGEMENTS 2 3. WEBSITE CONTENT 2 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR 3 1. INTRODUCTION This policy covers the design and management of the Chawleigh Parish Council’s (the Council) website and should be read in conjunction with the Council’s Communications & Media Policy. The purpose of the website is to: Make formal public

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Dr Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 22/07/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 01/08/19 1.0 Final Document approved at Council Meeting with amendmentsheld on 1 August 2019 (Minute: Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Freedom of Information Act 2000   INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. WESITE HOSTING ARRANGEMENTS 2 3. WEBSITE CONTENT 2 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR 3 1. INTRODUCTION Chawleigh Parish Council (the Council) is committed to the ongoing training and development of all councillors and employees to enable them to make the most effective contribution to the Council’s aims and objectives in providing the highest quality representation and services for people of the parish. This training

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Dr Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 25/01/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 07/02/19 0.1 Draft Document presented to Council Meeting held on 7 February 2019 and approved with amendments (Minute: 19.027) 18/02/19 1.0 Final Amended document uploaded onto Council’s website. Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2019. Legislation and Regulation   INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. STAFF APPRAISAL 2   APPENDIX A – STAFF APPRAISAL REVIEW FORM 4 1. INTRODUCTION Chawleigh Parish Council is committed to maximising individual performance and potential and will provide the necessary feedback and support to staff to ensure high standards of performance are maintained. Staff appraisal review meetings also provide an opportunity to identify and plan for future

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Dr Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 22/07/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 01/08/19 1.0 Final Document approved at Council Meeting with amendmentsheld on 1 August 2019 (Minute: 19.188). Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities in England 2019 Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Risk assessment formRisk Register INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. WHAT IS RISK MANAGEMENT? 2 3. WHY DOES THE COUNCIL NEED A RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY? 3 4. RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENT 3 5. IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGY 4 6. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4 7. FUTURE MONITORING 6 8. CONCLUSION 6   APPENDIX A – RISK SCORING MATRIX 7 1. INTRODUCTION

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 07/09/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 12/09/19 1.0 Final Document approved at the council meeting with amendmentsheld on 12 September (Minute: 19.236). Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Governance & Accountability for Local Councils Practitioners Guide 2019Local Government Act 2003Local Government Finance Act 1992 Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Financial RegulationsInvestment PolicyList of Reserves INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. TYPES OF RESERVES 2 3. GENERAL RESERVES 3 4. CONTINGENCY RESERVES 3 5. EARMARKED RESERVES 4 6. RINGFENCED RESERVES 4 7. ELECTION RESERVES 4 8. OPPORTUNITY COST OF HOLDING RESERVES 5 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this policy is to set out how Chawleigh Parish Council

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 31/08/18 0.1 Draft Draft policy circulated to Councillors for review. 16/08/18 0.1 Draft Draft policy presented to the council meeting on 16 August 2018. Amendments agreed and policy adopted (minute 18.203). 22/09/18 1.0 Final Final version circulated to Councillors and uploaded to Council website. 09/05/19 1.1 Review Policy approved with no amendments by new Council at Annual Meeting of the Council held on 09 May 2019 (minute 19.086). Corporate amendments made. Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. This document must be approved by Full Council. Legislation and Regulation Data Protection Act 2018General Data Protection Regulation 2018Human Rights Act 1998Chawleigh Parish Council’s relevant documents:Consent formData Protection Law Compliance Action PlanData

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer. Date Version Status Description 29/07/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 12/09/19 1.0 Final Document approved at the council meeting with amendmentsheld on 12 September (Minute: Review Cycle Every year before the start of the financial year or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due March 2020. Legislation and Regulation Governance & Accountability for Local Councils Practitioners Guide 2019Local Government Act 2003Statutory Guidance on Local Government Investments (3rd Edition) issued under section 15(1)(a) of the Local Government Act 2003and effective for financial years commencing on or after 1 April 2018Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Financial RegulationsReserves PolicyList of Reserves INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES 2 3. SECURITY OF INVESTMENTS 3 4. LIQUIDITY OF INVESTMENTS 4 5. YIELD OF INVESTMENTS 4 6. INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2019/20 4 7. REVIEW AND AMENDMENT OF INVESTMENT STRATEGY 5

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 20/07/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 01/08/19 1.0 Final Document approved with amendmentsat the council meeting held on 1 August 2019 (Minute: 19.191). Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Data Protection Act 2018Environmental Information Regulations 2004Freedom of Information Act 2000Freedom of Information and data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fess) Regulations SI. 2004/ 3244 General Data Protection Regulation 2018Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Freedom of Information Request FormPublication SchemeSchedule of Charges INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. PUBLICATION SCHEME 2 3. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION 2 4. CHARGES 3 5. MAKING A COMPLAINT 3 1. INTRODUCTION The Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Dr Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 23/09/18 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 27/09/18 1.0 Final Document approved at Council Meeting with amendmentsheld on 27 September 2018 (Minute: 18.237) 09/05/19 1.1 Review Policy approved by new Council at Annual Meeting of the Council held on 9 May 2019 with no amendments (minute 19.086). Corporate amendments made. Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the ordinary election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Local Government Act 1972Representation of the People Act 1983Representation of the People Act 1985Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Co-option application formCo-option eligibility formParish councillor job description & person specificationRole and responsibilities of the       INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. NOTICE OF VACANCY 2 3. CO-OPTION PROCEDURE

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 20/07/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 01/08/19 1.0 Final Document approved with amendmentsat the council meeting held on 1 August 2019 (Minute: 19.190). Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity 2011 Data Protection Act 2018Freedom of Information Act 2000Local Government Act 1972Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities 2014Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Freedom of Information PolicyNotice for recording, filming and broadcasting council meetingsProtocol for recording, filming and broadcasting council meetingsPublication SchemeWebsite Management Policy INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. PARISH COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2 3. COUNCILLOR CORRESPONDENCE WITH EXTERNAL PARTIES 2 4. AGENDA ITEMS FOR

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 20/07/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 01/08/19 1.0 Final Document approved with amendmentsat the council meeting held on 1 August 2019 (Minute: 19.190). Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity 2011 Data Protection Act 2018Freedom of Information Act 2000Local Government Act 1972Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities 2014Chawleigh Parish Council’s related documents:Freedom of Information PolicyNotice for recording, filming and broadcasting council meetingsProtocol for recording, filming and broadcasting council meetingsPublication SchemeWebsite Management Policy INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2 2. PARISH COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 2 3. COUNCILLOR CORRESPONDENCE WITH EXTERNAL PARTIES 2 4. AGENDA ITEMS FOR

DOCUMENT CONTROL Date Version Status Description 28.08.12 1.0 Final Code of Conduct approved and adopted at Full Council Meeting held on 28.08.12 (Minute: 08/12/12). 01.05.17 1.1 Revision Revisions include addition of the Document Control, Section1, Section 8. Original para 6.5 transferred to Appendices A and B. Document put into corporate format and style. Circulated to Councillors for comment. 11.05.17 2.0 Final Approved at Annual Meeting of the Council held on 11.05.17 (Minute: 17.103) 26.04.19 2.1 Revision Revision includes amendments to Section 8 and the addition of a Dispensation Request Form. 09.05.19 3.0 Final Approved at Annual Meeting of the Council held on 09.05.19 (Minute 19.085). Review Cycle Every year at the Annual Meeting of the Council or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. This document must be approved by Full Council. A copy should be provided to the Monitoring Officer at Mid Devon District Council. Legislation Localism Act

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Dr Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 25/01/19 0.1 Draft Draft document circulated to councillors. 07/02/19 0.1 Draft Document presented to Council Meeting held on 7 February 2019 and approved with amendments(Minute: 19.026). 18/02/19 1.0 Final Amended document uploaded onto Council’s website. 09/05/19 1.1 Review Policy approved by new Council at Annual Meeting of the Council held on 9 May 2019 with no amendments (minute 19.086). Review Cycle Every four years at the Annual Meeting of the Council after the election of the parish councillors or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. Next review due May 2023. Legislation and Regulation Policy based on Town and Parish Allowances Scheme for Mid Devon (December 2017)The Local Authorities (Members Allowances) Regulations 2003 INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. TRAVEL ALLOWANCE 3 3. SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 4 4. ELECTED COUNCILLOR’S ALLOWANCE 5 5. ENTERTAINING – BUSINESS

DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 07/02/13 1.0 Final Draft policy adopted at February 2013 Council meeting (minute 13/02/07) 14/12/16 1.1 Revision Policy revised and circulated to Councillors. 12/02/17 2.0 Final Revised policy approved at January 2017 Council meeting (minute 4c). 27/09/18 2.1 Revision Revised policy presented to September 2018 Council meeting to reflect new model Standing Orders published by the National Association of Local Councils and approved subject to amendments (minute 18.238). 16/10/18 3.0 Final Final version uploaded to Council website. 09/05/19 3.1 Review Standing Orders approved by new Council at Annual Meeting of the Council held on 9 May 2019 with no amendments (minute 19.086). Review Cycle Every year at the Annual Meeting of the Council or in response to new or amended statutory requirements. This document must be approved by Full Council. The Standing Orders may only be amended

      Abstract      DOCUMENT CONTROL Author Juliet Cross, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Date Version Status Description 14.06.17 0.1 Draft Draft Financial Regulations based on model version provided by the National Association of Local Councils (2016). Draft circulated to Councillors for comment. 03/08/17 1.0 Final Draft reviewed at Council meeting held on 3 August 2017 and approved subject to amendments (minute 17.184). 27/09/18 1.1 Revision Revised policy presented to September 2018 Council meeting to reflect new model Financial Regulations published by the National Association of Local Councils and approved subject to amendments (minute 18.239). 10/10/18 2.0 Final Final version uploaded to Council website. 09/05/19 2.1 Review Financial Regulations approved with no amendments by new Council at Annual Meeting of the Council held on 9 May 2019 (minute 19.086). 12/09/19 2.2 Revision Financial Regulations reviewed against revised model published by the National Association of Local Councils in July
